After Sinus Lifts

The following information applies when the upper jaw bone height or width have been lost. The graft is placed to help restore your jawbone in preparation for possible implant replacement of the missing tooth or teeth.

A Sinus Lift Augmentation procedure in your upper jaw regains lost bone height in the area of your first and second molar and occasionally second premolar. It is an important procedure as it allows implant placement in an area that could not be implanted otherwise because of insufficient bone height due to an enlarged sinus.

The bone that has been grafted is most commonly a combination freeze-dried bone, artificial synthetic bone and your own bone. Because of this you may have two post-surgical wounds: the donor site and the recipient site.

Post-Op Instructions:

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BLOW YOUR NOSE FOR THE NEXT TWO (2) WEEKS. This may be longer if indicated. Anything that causes pressure in your nasal cavity must be avoided.

  • Do not blow your nose or sneeze holding your nose. Sneeze with your mouth open.
  • Do not drink with straws and do not spit.
  • Scuba diving and flying in pressurized aircraft may also increase sinus pressure and should be avoided.
  • Decongestants such as Drixoral, Dimetapp, or Sudafed will help reduce pressure in the sinuses. You may also be given a prescription for antibiotics. Please take these as directed.
  • Avoid bearing down when lifting heavy objects.
  • Avoid blowing up balloons.
  • Avoid playing musical instruments that require a blowing action or any other activity that increases nasal or oral pressure.
  • Smoking must be stopped. If necessary Dr. Coviello or Dr. Starley can prescribe Nicoderm patches.
Ready to Schedule a Consultation?

Call us with questions or to book with Dr. Coviello or Dr. Starley.

540-504-7300 Request an Appointment